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Invitation to Edit

by Allison Martin

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139: 23-24

Almost every Wednesday, I get an email. It’s the Pursuing Virtue weekly article, sent out for our team to review before it is posted on Thursday. Every week, Google Docs gives the email the same title: “Invitation to Edit”. Any member of our team can review the article and make any changes they see as necessary.  I have come to love this feature, because it’s saved me a lot of embarrassing typos. 

I never submit a post with intentional grammar mistakes or a confusing message. But I also realize that I’m human. Despite my most careful review and scrutinizing, I usually miss something. This “invitation to edit” welcomes correction. 

If only it was as easy in my daily life as it is on an email. The Christian life is a constant transformation of being made like Christ. We are always under construction, and there’s always something that could use some work. 

Unfortunately, it is not an easy process. It is all out war. 

Our flesh is repulsed by humility, and we cringe at the thought of having to say, “I was wrong.” As God’s Spirit puts His finger on things in our lives, our pride puts up a fight. This battle raging within us determines whether we stay as we’ve always been, or become who God has called us to be. 

Progress comes to a screeching halt when we resist God’s efforts to change us. 

It seems as though we detest change, but we really don’t. We want a lot of people and situations to change. We want better relationships with our spouse. We want to have a more meaningful impact on the world around us, and have a more vibrant prayer life.  And the list goes on. 

We want to see God’s hand at work to change those situations, but resist when He begins to deal with the common denominator in all of those situations: us.

The truth is, we want God to change everything but us.

I want my heart’s cry to echo that of the psalmist,

“Search me, O God, and know my heart:

try me, and know my thoughts:

And see if there be any wicked way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting.”

My prayer for this new year is to have a heart open to whatever God wants to do in me. I want to be sensitive to His voice. I’m not just okay with God changing me. I’m asking Him to. 

If my priorities are out of order, show me what really matters. 

If my perspective is flawed, let me see what You see. 

If my attitude is toxic, fill me with Your love. 

If my motives are wrong, change my heart. 

If my habits are destructive, lead me in the way of life. 

If I love anything more than I love You, take me back to the cross. 
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1 Comment

James Martin
James Martin
Jan 17, 2020

Dear Allison,

Your authority to author such a compelling article is deeply rooted in the authentic way you daily live out this spirit.

Thank you for effectively articulating what you so beautifully illustrate.

I know, because I’m blessed to know you as my daughter-in-law! Your ministry as a ready writer blesses and pleases me.


James D. Martin

aka Daddy

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