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The Danger of Distraction

by Shayla Asselin

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Ephesians 5: 15-16

Did you know that texting or reading a text takes a driver’s eyes off the road for at least 5 seconds? Or that once a driver has been distracted, it takes only 3 seconds for a car crash to occur? Statistics report that in the United States, about 9 people are killed every day due to car crashes involving a distracted driver. We are all aware of the dangers of distraction in our everyday lives, but why do we turn a blind eye to the distractions that are warring against our soul.

I believe that distraction is one of the greatest weapons in the devil’s arsenal. He has used this weapon many times throughout scripture. In Judges 14, Samson was distracted by the beauty of a Philistine woman. In II Samuel 11, King David was distracted by his desire for another man’s blessing. II Timothy 4:10 tells the story of Demas who was distracted by the culture around him. A story we are all familiar with is found in Luke 10 when Martha was distracted by household tasks.

Distractions can be so deadly because of how easily they can be disguised. Undoubtedly, the distraction of lust and jealousy are easily identified as sins. But what about housework? I know it can be downright dreadful at times, but how can keeping house be a bad thing? In Martha’s story, she was even preparing dinner for Jesus. She was doing a good thing, right? And that is where the devil likes to trip us up. He may not be able to get us to go out and commit this dreadful sin that almost instantaneously ruins our lives. But, if he can keep us from fulfilling the will of the Father by placing seemingly innocent distractions in our path, he will eventually snare us.

The devil is patient.

He doesn’t have to destroy you right now, as long as, he can delay you.

How many times in our own lives have we seen the master manipulator at work?

The floors really need vacuumed tonight. I’ll catch up on my devotions tomorrow.”

“Family time is important. We’ll go to church next Sunday.”

“I really want this overtime. I’ll see the kids tomorrow after work.”

All seemingly innocent decisions that are really distractions by the enemy of our soul. As Christians, we must realize that not every promotion, relationship, and opportunity are blessings from God, but rather, distractions from Satan. So many times I’ve heard, “But, it’s a good thing…” My response is always, “That doesn’t mean it’s God’s thing.” Anything that distracts us from God’s will in our lives must be avoided.

Today’s culture and the onslaught of attacks from the enemy requires Christians to be wise and full of discernment.

Discernment is a mighty defense against the weapon of distraction.

I don’t know what or who may be distracting you today. It could be technology, relationships, work, hobbies, money, worry and fears, or just your everyday routine. No matter what it is, let me encourage you to do what Paul wrote in Hebrews 12:1:

Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Instead of justifying distractions, I pray that we realize the danger of deferring God’s will for our lives and run the race He has set before us. We can’t let distractions destroy us.

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