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Thank You

by Brittney Chan

“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.”

Psalm 136:1

Somehow, it’s already the eleventh month of the year 2022. It feels like this year has flown by, and there’s no sign of slowing down as we enter into the holiday season. More and more, it seems like Thanksgiving gets pushed to the back as the commercialism of Christmas takes over. If I’m not careful, my spirit of thankfulness will be short-lived because it’s so easy to get caught up in the other responsibilities of life during this time of year.

So, this week I want to purposely voice my gratitude for the ways God has been faithful to me in 2022. Maybe you’ll take the opportunity to do this too in the comments section below or on our social media pages.

God, first, I thank You for Your mercies that are new to me every morning. I honestly need You more every day. Thank You for the season of stillness I went through at the beginning of the year as I wandered for direction and a sense of purpose. Thank You for the grace I needed to sit at the table You’d prepared for me in the middle of my enemies and the tenacity to be consistent through challenging circumstances. Thank You for being a lamp to my feet and a light for my path, when I had no clue where I was going. Thank You for opening the doors I’d knocked on before to no avail. Thank You for the financial wisdom and clarity I’ve gained this year. Thank You for the drive to set goals and see them met. So many things had to be in order for me to be where I am today, and I can honestly say that I’ve watched You make it all happen in perfect timing. Thank You for giving me a faithfulness I don’t deserve. Thank You for giving me my right mind and saving me from carnal influences. Thank You for the sweet times of prayer where I’ve felt Your Spirit so strongly. Thank You for reminding me that You’ve never left me, even when I’ve felt alone. Thank You for providing me with chances to talk about You on foreign soils. Thank You for reiterating how big Your world is and that I have Christian brothers and sisters all over the globe. Thank You for speaking through me and using me, when I’m not worthy of that either. Thank You for the parts of my testimony that are too sacred to share, but are the backbone of my faith in You. Thank you for the ways in which I’m growing and for emotional maturity. Thank You for the prayers You answered, and the ones You haven’t yet. Thank You for strength. Thank You for good health. Thank You for protecting my loved ones. Thank You for the friendships I have that breathe positivity into my life. Thank You for the times I’ve needed Your grace, because they convict me to give grace freely to other people. Thank You for the hope I have of a peaceful and prosperous future. Thank You for the story You’re still writing in my life.

Thank You for Your goodness.


Your turn, my friend!

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